Pivoting for the Holidays
December 16, 2020 No Comments Blog rebecca@wildrosecaregivers.com

Here at Wild Rose, we have been working on some creative ways to check in on our clients during this pandemic.

We have been putting together care packages for some of our clients that are in long term care.  Below is an account from Ashley, one of our Support Coordinators that has been doing some deliveries.

I thought I would start your day by sharing a feel good story.


Last week Alberta and I delivered a WRC Care Package for Veronica. The facility had just come off a Covid outbreak so, unfortunately we were not able to see Veronica when we dropped off the care package to her. However, I had spoken with Veronica’s Mom and sister beforehand. Recently Veronica’s dad fell and broke his hip so they have been stressed and very busy arranging for family to visit him in hospital. Veronica’s Mom told me that it has been so hard not seeing Veronica. Veronica’s family were so grateful to hear about us planning to deliver a care package.

Additionally I spoke with the Nurse on Veronica’s unit and she helped suggest care items to me. She felt that this kind of support to residents that have endured months of isolation without seeing loved ones was so important. I also thanked her and the staff at the facility for their courageous efforts and caring for our senior community during a Covid outbreak.

When Alberta and I dropped off the care package we were greeted by a staff member of the facility. She told us that she speaks to Veronica’s Mom on the phone every night when she phones to talk with Veronica and that she felt that us dropping off a care package was so thoughtful. Her smile was truly amazing to see.

This was a truly heart warming experience overall! Thank you for allowing me to participate in this idea and see it come to life. It is little moments such as this that remind us of the importance of caring and being caregivers.

We love that last line. Wild Rose has a “we before me” philosophy. We love our clients and it shows!

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